Sunday 1 January 2017

Overwatch (PS4)

Date Purchased: November 25, 2016
Date Completed:  December 31, 2016
Price: $41.75 (PSN)

This years Black Friday haul was light on titles, I knew I would be busy in December, but still wanted to pick something up.  The Dutchman in me can't pass up a good deal.  Overwatch seemed a good fit for a variety of reasons.  I wanted a game light on story, that I could could pick up and put down as I pleased, and something that was playable in front of my wife and kids.  I couldn't have picked a better game.

I haven't played many competitive shooters over the past few years.  If you check this blog often, which you don't, you can see I clearly steer towards story driven games, often skipping the multiplayer portion altogether.  This game could change all that ... but I doubt it.  When the Overwatch Servers were being weird, I tried playing Halo 5 multiplayer again.  Nope.

Overwatch has so much going for it, the game is a different experience depending on which hero you choose, the gameplay feels great, the game looks beautiful, and is just simply fun.  You can play for 5 minutes or hours at a time.  It's the perfect compliment to spotify or a podcast.  I love it.  This could lead me to playing less games (in quantity) in 2017.  We'll see.  Recommend.

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