Monday 16 January 2017

Forza Horizon 2: The Fast and the Furious (XB1)

Date Purchased:  January 3, 2017
Date Completed:  January 14, 2017
Price:  $2.50, Regular $10 (Xbox Live Marketplace)

I really enjoy the Forza Horizon series, so much so that I feel I should give OG Forza a spin sometime, but for now, I'll stick with Horizon until I finish up 3.  I picked this up on a boxing day sale and what it essentially is, is a mini Forza Horizon 2.  A glorified demo really with a small set of cars, a portion of that games map, and a new "skin" tying it to the popular movie franchise.  There's not much to say that hasn't been covered it my original look at Forza Horizon 2.  It was nice to revisit the game again, but if you've played Horizon 2, there's no need to come back.  Recommend on it's own, pass if you own the full game.

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