Saturday 3 December 2016

Tearaway (Vita)

Date Purchased:  October 15, 2016
Date Completed:  December 04, 2016
Price: $7.99 (PSN)

Tearaway is a cool game and by far the most innovative game I've played on Vita, or any console for that matter in a long long time.  The game has so much promise, and creative types (which I would consider myself one) could get a lot of mileage out of this games decorating.  To draw an item on screen, cut it out and decorate  your world opens up a lot of customization, problem was, I didn't give a shit about any of it.  Nobody else is going to see this, and really, who cares?  I know, lots of people out there probably do and are tweeting out screenshots (or did when the game came out) but that's not me.  The platforming is quite enjoyable though, the graphics and art style are well done, this is probably my favorite Media Molecule game to date, which really isn't saying much.  The game sets it up for an amazing ending which left me a little unsatisfied.  All the negatives aside, the platforming and the combat can be quite fun, enough that I'd give this game a recommend.

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