Wednesday 30 September 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 4 (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  November 15, 2014
Date Completed: September 30, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

FINALLY!  It took almost a year, but the Master Chief Collection is now off the pile.  Halo 4, hmmm, I was looking forward to playing this one again, but quickly remembered I didn't enjoy it that much.  The level variety is sub par compared to previous entries and the new enemy set (Prometheans) lack the character of the Brutes and Covenant.  A solid game, with an interesting story, but just not as fun.  This is the first non-Bungie Halo Game, and while 343 did a decent job, I feel it's lacking some of the magic of Halo 1-3 and it's "expansions".   Pass.

Edit:  Forgot to mention the annoying "bugs" in this series of games.  This one of the most frustrating, a floating Mammoth.  Also, many times the game would not load the level, had inconsistent save states, required restarting missions, achievements didn't unlock and more.  Happy to finally have this, what could have been great game, off the pile.


Saturday 26 September 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 3: ODST (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 15, 2014
Date Completed: September 25, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

Tired of looking at The Master Chief Collection on my pile, I decided to dive into ODST, a game I don't remember too fondly.  Now that I've played it again, WHY??  This game was great!  I really enjoyed my time with the game and appreciated it's "compact" story compared to the convoluted stories of other Halo games.  Graphics were fine (cut scenes a little rough) and the music is probably the best in the series.  Classic Halo gameplay is what draws me to these games and it's back here in full force.  Now if I just get past Destiny's lame universe ... 

Some achievements didn't pop, but here's proof of my progress so far,
 ODST is filed under Halo 3.

Monday 21 September 2015

inFamous: First Light (PS4)

Date Purchased:  January 15, 2015
Date Completed: September 21, 2014
Price: Free (PS+)

Turns out this was probably all the inFamous I needed.  A great standalone expansion, however I may have experienced a little overkill playing it immediately after "Second Son".  Regardless a great game and I definitely got my money's worth ;) .  Recommend.

Thursday 17 September 2015

The Pile 09/17/2015

Added Super Mario Maker and Grow Home. Mario Maker shouldn't take me too long to take off the pile, not sure when I'll get to Grow Home, but I've heard it's short too.  Some inFamous DLC, and that stupid Master Chief helmet is still staring me down.

inFamous: Second Son (PS4)

Date Purchased:  August 4, 2015
Date Completed: September 15, 2015
Price: $4.96 (The Souce)


Best $5 I’ve ever spent.   I’ve always liked the inFamous series, the first one being my favorite, but I’d heard mixed things about this one.  The gameplay is good, it looks beautiful, but I’ve heard the main character is a little … “bad” … for lack of a better term. I too found this to be true, but in the end I really enjoyed my time with this game.  Summertime gaming is tough, and despite a break for Rocket League in there, I got back in and finished this one strong, even with Mario Maker in the library.  I’d recommend it even at $20.  Had a lot of fun (minus that last boss battle that went on forever, ugh).

Saturday 12 September 2015

Super Mario Deluxe (Gameboy Color/3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 26, 2015
Date Completed: September 11, 2012
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

I’ve played the OG Super Mario Brothers a lot.  I’ve purchased it many times, but for some reason I always thought this “deluxe” version was inferior.  It’s not.  If you’ve never played the original this might be the definitive version to play.  Not only does it have the full game inside it’s little GBA cart, it has extra modes, and the full level set of the unreleased Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan) in there as well (slightly modified from it’s ridiculously hard Japanese brother).  The game also has some extra challenges, and bonuses including a Calendar!  NEAT!  Okay, not so neat.  I’d recommend trying this out, it was worth the price of admission and fun to play through all the levels again.  Thank goodness for restore points on the 3DS though. 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Super Mario Bros 3 (NES/3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 26, 2015
Date Completed: September 7, 2012
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

In anticipation for “Super Mario Maker” I downloaded a bunch of classic Mario games for play on the 3DS.  Yes, I already owned them on other consoles, but thought the portable nature would get me to play them all the way through.  I started with some classic Super Mario, but quickly switched to Super Mario 3.  What a great game.  I’ve played this many times all the way through, but hadn’t done so in a long time.  No level skipping, no warping, one by one I made my way through.  Thank goodness for restore points, this game was much more difficult than I remember.   I’d also forgotten about the variety of levels and enemies I haven’t seen since.  This game deserves it’s rank among the best of all time. If you’ve never played it complete, I highly recommend you do.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Super Street Fighter IV 3D (3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 29, 2015
Date Completed: August 30, 2015
Price: $6.79

I’ve owned almost as many versions of Street Fighter as I have versions of Tetris.  I’m not sure how many, but it’s a lot.  I was hesitant to purchase this version due it’s portable nature, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.  This is a great version of an iconic franchise and has all the bells and whistles of it’s console big brother.  Online play is surprisingly good despite that I’m not very good.  Put me on a local stage however and “I will crush you”.  Highly recommend.