Monday 29 March 2021

Rage 2 (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

When a whole bunch of Bethesda games dropped on Xbox Game Pass, the first one that caught my eye was Rage 2.  It looked like an amazing open world action game with the gunplay of Doom, a series I'm very fond of.  Playing it initially, I was impressed, but once the world opens up, it gets quite repetitive and dull.  You spend a lot of time searching for loot crates, which rewards are usually not worth it.  I decided to mainline the story when I started getting bored and finished the game with only half of my abilities in tow.  I could go back and mop up, but I don't really see much point in it.  I had a decent time, at times it looks amazing and other times it can look like and original Xbox game.  Gotta say pass on this one.  Too bad.  It has potential.

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