Saturday 23 January 2021

Moving Out (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I've tried a handful of games since completing the Ori games and nothing can hold my attention.  Bloodstained (the new one), Sea of Thieves, Spiritfarer, but this one had a good enough hook to keep me coming back.  This is a party game, but I enjoyed it better solo.  It's akin to "Overcooked" but not quite as good.  The concept is simple, move everything out of the house in a set amount of time.  I was going for golds, but the novelty of that wore off and I powered through the end.  The levels become less inspired as you go along and it was as if the developer tried to pad the games length by a lot of repetitive levels in the back third.  Regardless, I had a fun game and I'd recommend this one especially if you have GamePass.  Heck it could land on my top 10 if nothing else manages to grab me this year.  Recommend.

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