Sunday 24 January 2021

Donut County (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

What on earth did I just play?  Donut county is a story about a racoon who works at a donut shop, when people order a donut through an app, he delivers the donut through an app, only the donut is a hole that gets bigger with the more things that fall into it.  Not after long are you swallowing cars and buildings and eventually yourself to find yourself on a rescue mission to bring everyone back from their sunken demise.  The gameplay is simple but charming, the graphics are simple but nice, but what really stood out to me was the writing.  The game's got tons of charm.  I completed this in one sitting and enjoyed it all.  I got hung up in a couple spots, but didn't have to guide up and never felt frustrated.  Recommend.

Saturday 23 January 2021

Moving Out (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I've tried a handful of games since completing the Ori games and nothing can hold my attention.  Bloodstained (the new one), Sea of Thieves, Spiritfarer, but this one had a good enough hook to keep me coming back.  This is a party game, but I enjoyed it better solo.  It's akin to "Overcooked" but not quite as good.  The concept is simple, move everything out of the house in a set amount of time.  I was going for golds, but the novelty of that wore off and I powered through the end.  The levels become less inspired as you go along and it was as if the developer tried to pad the games length by a lot of repetitive levels in the back third.  Regardless, I had a fun game and I'd recommend this one especially if you have GamePass.  Heck it could land on my top 10 if nothing else manages to grab me this year.  Recommend.

Monday 18 January 2021

Ori and the Will of the Wisps (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I started this game fresh off a playthrough of Blind Forest and initially I was thinking "This one's not as good" ... a few hours in and my mind had changed.  The auto saving system takes a lot of the frustration out of the game, the new mechanics, the entire package is better than it's predecessor. The combat in Will of the Wisps also far exceeds Blind Forrest, which makes fighting much less of a chore.   This is a beautiful game with an amazing soundtrack, I usually don't listen to game soundtracks, but I've put this one on a few times while I plug away in my office.  If you're only going to play one Ori game, play this one, but to appreciate how far this game has come, I think you need to play both.  Either way, absolutely recommend.

Thursday 14 January 2021

Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Metroidvania, a term I've grown to hate over the years, but the odd one I enjoy.  I really enjoyed this one.  This game doesn't require you to backtrack too much, but when you do it's fun because your new abilities make traversing the environment fun.  This is a beautiful game with an incredible soundtrack.  The music is so "nice" that I've listened to it while working at my desk.  The visual style of this game is straight out of a children's book with animations that make the entire game feel alive.  All of this comes together in an amazing package, but don't be fooled, the game is HARD, but ultimately that's what I enjoyed about it.  It feels so rewarding, make your way though 100 yards in game, feel like you've accomplished a mile.  Absolutely recommend.

Top 10 of 2020