Tuesday 16 April 2019

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood (PSVR)

Date Purchased:  November 18, 2017
Date Completed: April 16, 2019
Price: Free (PS+)

Wow, 2 years on the old pile and I finally finished it.  I recently picked up a used Playstation VR, and I downloaded this freebie.  I didn't particularly love it, the aesthetic is horrifying and I didn't want my young children to be tempted to play it.  Essentially it's an on rails shooter set in the Until Dawn universe.  The original game is much better but I had a pretty good time with this game.  It's a shooting gallery, has some neat concepts, but the experience ultimately feels pretty flat and repetitive.  It's hard to get into the setting with colorful targets all around you as ride around in a cart.  The final boss was neat but ultimately frustrating.  After the first level the game doesn't throw much "new" at you.  If you happened to get it for free it's worth a shot, but if you need to put money down on it, pass.

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