Tuesday 16 April 2019

Apex Legends (PS4)

Date Purchased:  February 4, 2019
Date Completed: April 17, 2019
Price: Free to Play

I fell in and out of Apex Legends pretty quick.  It seems like the rest of the internet did as well.  No doubt the game is still popular, but the aspirations to overtake Fortnite are over by this point.  This is another "battle royale" where 100 players drop into a map, this time however, you're put into squads of 3.  It's fun with peers, but I never found the game enjoyable solo.  It has a great cast of characters, cool weapons and abilities, but after 100 games or so, I really tired of looting for 10 minutes only to die in 10 seconds.  Maybe I'll come back one day, and at "free" it's definitely worth the price of admission.  I even bought the first battle pass as a "tip" to the developers.  Recommend.

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