Monday 6 March 2017

Titan Souls (Vita)

Date Purchased:  January 19, 2017
Date Completed:  March 6, 2017
Price: Free (PS+)

This game's been on my radar for some time, so I was excited when it was "free" with PlayStation Plus in January.  I'd remember hearing some comparisons to Zelda, but it's actually much closer to Shadow of the Colossus if we're going to be making comparisons.  There's a vast overworld, but there's not a whole lot to do in it, and your character, equipped with a bow and a singular retrievable arrow must take down 18 titans to reach the credits.  There is a 19th boss, but typically when I see credits, it's time to move on to another game in the pile unless I'm really enjoying it.  Well, I didn't really enjoy it, so this one's getting shelved.  It was a love/hate relationship with game, it's brutally difficult, but when you do fire that perfect shot and take down a Titan, there are few better feelings in video games, that's what kept me chugging through 6 hours, 21 minutes, 51 seconds and 495 deaths.The graphics and sound are quite nice, the game plays well on Vita despite some very long loading times between deaths, thank goodness for smart phones in that regard.  Even though I didn't particularly love all my time spent with the game, if you like a challenge, those 18 (19 if you're a completionist) moments where you reign victorious, just might make the whole thing worthwhile.  In the end, I'd have to say, recommend.

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That's a lot of cursing.

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