Thursday 30 March 2017

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)

Date Purchased: March 03, 2017
Date Completed: March 25, 2017
Price: $79.99

I've been putting off writing this because I don't know what to say to give this game the praise it deserves.  It's fantastic.  The game is ultimately about exploring, I've played many open world games, but never did I ever want to "go onto that roof" in GTA, just to see what's up there.  This game changes all that with something cool around every bend, every peak, and under every stone.  Okay, so not every stone, but lots of them.  There is such a huge world out there to explore, and the verticality of  it all makes it even bigger.  The game is simply a joy to explore, I keep going back to it on my son Cole's profile to "help" him along, but really, it's because I like to revisit Hyrule.

The game does have a story, and it succeeds, it's interesting and doesn't force itself or try to be overly complex.   You've played the story before, it's the same story of every Zelda game, but this one's told in a series of flashbacks.  It's nicely done and allows you to explore the world and take on quests in any order.   To finish the main quest I was at around 80 hours, not including probably another 20 I spent watching and or playing on Cole's account.  When I finished the main quest, it showed me that I was 18% complete the game.

A sub-story are the shrines which grant you orbs to increase you abilities.  There are over a hundred of these shrines and they each contain a series of puzzles the series is known for.  This time around, many of them are physics based, something I don't recall from previous games.  The shrines could be a game in and of themself ala Portal.  Most (not all) are fantastic.

I've written longer reviews, but I don't need to go on at length about this game. It's a sense of wonder I've never experienced in a game before.  It's got that whimsy.  I want to play it right now.  Game of the year for 2017.  Calling it now.

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