Thursday 9 February 2017

Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)

Date Purchased: April 2, 2016
Date Completed: February 7, 2017
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

I picked this game up for $6 along with Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D during an eShop sale last April, I've seen it go on sale now and again since then, so it can be found pretty cheap if you're willing to be patient.  First of all, let me say, the graphics are quite impressive, technically one of the best looking 3DS games I've ever played.  The environments look really nice as do the character models.  The cut scenes are nicely done although clearly not "in engine" as the 3DS compresses the video to the point where it can look pretty bad in spots, but the game does feature a large quantity of cut scenes for a 3DS game at least.

Things begin to fall apart with enemy character animations, they repeat the same animations over and over, and from what I gathered with my time with the game, they don't take damage when lying down.  Essentially you have to wait for the enemies to pop back up, then knock them down again. This is especially infuriating in a game where limited ammo is a game play mechanic.  I really struggled with the controls of the game as well.  This was my first game that heavily used the new C Stick and it was surprisingly difficult.  I went as far as searching reddit to see if it was an isolated problem to my console, but it works fine with every other game, and as far as I can determine I was using it properly.  The camera moves frustratingly sluggish in a game where you want to be aware of your surroundings at all times.  I wanted to quit on multiple occasions, but I'm just so stubborn when it comes to finishing games I've purchased I decided to power through playing it in short bursts whenever I was feeling extra patient.  I can't recommend this game, even at $6.  Pass.

Reddit post with comments.

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