Monday 19 September 2016

Uncharted 3 (PS3)

Date Purchased:  November 1, 2011
Date Completed: N/A Replay
Price: $59.99 (Future Shop)

There was some hot debate 5 years ago that Uncharted 3 was inferior to it's predecessor.  I'd heard it talked about a lot leading up to the release of Uncharted 4.  Maybe it was just the time in my life, but I knew I'd finished Uncharted 3, but remembered very little of it.  I remembered a desert, and an airplane hanger, but otherwise...blank.

Replaying this game was almost like playing a new Uncharted game.  It's crazy how much I'd forgotten.  Some things came back to me like that dreaded ship graveyard level, oh how I hated it, but some of the most epic moments, like the cruise ship, galloping through the dessert, all gone.  This game is great, and having played them all of the Uncharted games recently, this one may be the best in the series.

It starts a little slow and is heavy on puzzles in the first half, but the second half flew by with very few frustrating moments.  Graphics still looks good today, and as is a staple with Uncharted games, the voice acting and sound is top notch.  Absolutely recommend.

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