Monday 9 May 2016

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)

Date Purchased:  April 20, 2016
Date Completed: May 3, 2016
Price:  $29.99 (eShop)

I'm no stranger to Donkey Kong Country, I missed some of the SNES versions which I plan to catch up on on 3DS one day.  I've already reviewed DKC Returns and the rather poor DKL III, this game is better than both of those.

Tropical Freeze is a beautiful game, when I hear people speak about how under powered the Wii U is, I always roll my eyes.  This looks as good as anyone could ever want out of a Donkey Kong Country game to look like  (I'll probably laugh at this statement in 10 years).  Along with the amazing visuals is an incredible soundtrack.  They brought back the original composer from the series glory days and it shows.

The gameplay is tight as every, "frustratingly fun" is how I'd label it.  This game makes you want to throw your Wii U pad out the window, but then run right out and try again.  It was a good length, and I enjoyed it more than DKC Returns as I found it "less" infuriating.  It's worth the price I paid, but am glad I waited until it was $30 vs. $60.  Recommend.

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