Tuesday 31 May 2016

The Pile: 05/31/2016

A couple adds and a couple subtractions.  I don't know if I'll ever "finish" Trials, that game is brutally hard.  Some decent freebies and I'm also playing through all the Uncharted's again.

Monday 30 May 2016

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Date Purchased: November 19, 2007
Date Completed: N/A - Replay
Price: $60?

I've played through Uncharted: Drakes Fortune before.  Way back when it launched on the PS3.  I remembered zombies, and a few set pieces, but in reality, couldn't tell you a whole lot more about it. So after finishing Uncharted 4 I decided to go back and play it again.  It was tough to go back initially, but before I knew it, I was traversing as normal and plucking off head shots.  I've heard this is the "hardest" Uncharted game, none of them are that difficult, and the nice thing about these old games is that you can exploit the AI fairly easily.  The story is pretty good, the voice acting not quite as polished as it's become in 2016, and the game still looks nice almost 10 years later.  I enjoyed my time with it again.  Recommend.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)

Date Purchased: May 9, 2016
Date Completed: May 19, 2016
Price: $59.99

I very rarely buy games on release day anymore unless it's a Nintendo property, but even then, I've shown patience more recently waiting for a price drop or for it to be gifted in some variety.  I was lucky to get Uncharted 4 for 1/3rd off (can you believe $60 is at a discount still?) through an Amazon promotion, and was especially delighted to see it arrive a day early despite the fact that I had to go into work that night.

So the hype machine was running at full tilt for this game.  I'd played fairly close attention, but tried not to spoil anything for myself.  I read reviews very carefully, and watched very little gameplay videos.   The game positioned itself to have some huge twists, Nate is older and wiser, his brother is back in his life (and you know those neck tattoos means he's been through some stuff), and heck, the title is "A thief's end".  Someone's got to die right?  Who is it?  Nate?  His Bro?  I really thought Nate was going to die.  But how?  Was it going to be honorable?  Would his lust for treasure be his ultimate demise?  Is that skeleton in the cage at the games title screen Nate?  Man, more than any other game, I was so excited for this story, perhaps a little too excited.

That excitement for the games story and how it would ultimately end did affect the way I played the game.  I wouldn't say I "rushed" through it, but really, I kind of did.  By the end I must say I was a little disappointed.  It's great story telling, the fact that I'm this excited for a VIDEO GAME story, will tell you that it's something special.

Okay, story beats aside, this game looks and sounds amazing.  I could go on and gush about it for a few paragraphs, but all you have to do is look at it to see.  There are a million screen grabs out there, and I even spent a decent amount of time with the games photo mode, just because the game looks so good.

The game play will be familiar to anyone who's played a game in the series, I did find this one paced a little slower than previous games.  There are some pretty long segments where you don't really do anything but explore the environments, but then there are moments like these (it's my own gameplay video, but I'm sure it plays the same for everyone):

Would I recommend this game?  Most definitely.  Play this game, especially if you've played the previous.  While I was a little dissatisfied with the ending (I was expecting "Sixth Sense"  or "Lost" like story telling where the wool's been pulled over our eyes all along) it's still a fantastic game and a really nice end to the series.  I'll miss Uncharted, but not for a while, I've decided to replay all the previous games in the meantime.

Saturday 14 May 2016

The Pile 05/14/2016

Uncharted 4 added, but won't be here long ;)

Mario Party: Island Tour (3DS)

Date Purchased:  March 21, 2016
Date Completed: May 12, 2016
Price: $10.00 (nintendo.ca Refurbished)

This game never officially made it on the pile, I never expected to play it, and I can't say with confidence that I "finished" it.  Do you finish these games?  Regardless, I've been playing it with Cole and it's quite fun.  It's a great second screen game to play while watching the ballgame.  As a solo experience, I can see this being very painful, it's quite slow, but for parents?  It's a perfect game to play with your kids, mildly competitive, but a lot of luck will aid your kids in winning for realsies. Recommend to parents of young children.

Monday 9 May 2016

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)

Date Purchased:  April 20, 2016
Date Completed: May 3, 2016
Price:  $29.99 (eShop)

I'm no stranger to Donkey Kong Country, I missed some of the SNES versions which I plan to catch up on on 3DS one day.  I've already reviewed DKC Returns and the rather poor DKL III, this game is better than both of those.

Tropical Freeze is a beautiful game, when I hear people speak about how under powered the Wii U is, I always roll my eyes.  This looks as good as anyone could ever want out of a Donkey Kong Country game to look like  (I'll probably laugh at this statement in 10 years).  Along with the amazing visuals is an incredible soundtrack.  They brought back the original composer from the series glory days and it shows.

The gameplay is tight as every, "frustratingly fun" is how I'd label it.  This game makes you want to throw your Wii U pad out the window, but then run right out and try again.  It was a good length, and I enjoyed it more than DKC Returns as I found it "less" infuriating.  It's worth the price I paid, but am glad I waited until it was $30 vs. $60.  Recommend.

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (3DS)

Date Purchased:  April 2, 2016
Date Completed: May 09, 2016
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

I've never been a huge fan of this series, but I did quite enjoy Resident Evil 4 on the Wii a long time ago.  If there's a lesson to be learned with the pile of shame, it's to not buy games simply because they're on sale.  It's the only reason I picked up this and Resident Evil: Revelations, and I'm really hoping I enjoy Revelations more than I did Mercs.

This is a straight up arcade shooter, play through levels, get a lot of combos, get the highest score in the time allowed.  The controls take a lot of getting used to, but I breezed through the game .... until the final level.  Oh, final level.  $&$# YOU!!!    I finally beat that level tonight.  I considered giving up many times, but persistence paid off.  I had that level memorized, and now I have it mastered... you know what?  I don't even want to write anymore about this game.  It got far too much of my time and I hated most of it.  Pass.