Wednesday 30 December 2015

The Pile - 12/30/2015

The Christmas gifts have all been unwrapped and a few more games have been added to the pile.  I was SO CLOSE to having nothing on left  a month or so ago with only “Links Awakening” remaining, but then a Black Friday sale happened, and then Christmas gifts were received.  And besides, what fun would that be to only have one game to play?  My legions of fans would be so upset if I ceased updating.  I’m in credit card limbo right now which is a blessing and a curse.  I’m saving money, but missing out on some deals.  Had I had a credit card, Batman Arkham Knight and Splatoon would probably be on this list.  Regardless, a Christmas gift from my in laws in Halo 5, and from my wife (and son Cole) in Tri Force Heroes.  With some added multi now that my GNI friends have Xbone’s this pile will take me a while to get through. 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Super Mario Bros. 2 [Japan] (3DS)

Date Purchased: August 26, 2015
Date Completed: August 18, 2015
Price: $5.99 (eShop)

I’ve owned this game multiple times, but could never complete it.  If not for the 3DS and its restore points, I still would not have finished it.  This game is HARD.  Really hard.  So hard that they didn’t bring it over to the US until much later as a bundle in Super Mario All Stars.  This is the original Super Mario 2 in Japan (sorry, couldn’t find any better box art) featuring 9 worlds of all new, difficult levels.  Some aesthetic changes make the game feel different, including some nifty idea’s at the end which I wish they would have implemented earlier.  It’s a decent enough game, but a little unfair in spots.  I’m glad to have seen it all the way through, and my Mario Maker skills did help me get through despite the physics being a little different.  For die-hard Mario players, recommend, otherwise pass.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (3DS)

Date Purchased:  August 1, 2015
Date Completed: December 17, 2015
Price: $6 (eShop)

Almost 4 months to complete this game, would have been much, MUCH longer had I not used a guide.  This game would have been amazing back in 1993.  A portable game of this size and scope could have kept you busy for many hours, but after playing “A Link Between Worlds”, another great top down Zelda game, it’s really hard to go back, no fast travel, pausing to change items, I could go on ... Regardless, this is a really fine game, an incredible accomplishment for its time, I can appreciate it for that, but trying to play it in 2015 is just that, trying.  Pass?

Working midnights is the only way I could get through this game.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Pile (12/01/2015)

I picked up a few "Black Friday" deals from PSN.  Back to buying games as it appears my run of free games via Xbox game share appears to have come to an end.  It's a shame, but was a good run, Destiny (+ expansions), Halo MCC, Forza Horizon 2, Watch Dogs, and Dying Light (which I tried but had no drive to finish, maybe one day).  Anyways, now have GTA V, 2 Wolfenstein games (well, 1 and a standalone expansion) and may have Halo 5 coming for Christmas.  Merry Gaming!