Friday 30 September 2022

Splatoon 3 (Nintendo Switch)

My son and I split on this purchase as we both played A LOT of Splatoon 2.  I jumped into campaign and really enjoyed it, but in the back of my mind I thought I should be playing multiplayer as I knew my Nintendo Switch Online was running out soon and I'd have to renew if I wanted to keep playing multi.  I couldn't pull myself away from the inventive level design of the campaign, the "one more try" challenges and the epic boss fights.   When I finished the story I had about a week left of my NSO account remaining.  I jumped into multiplayer and found it to be so strikingly similar to Splatoon 2 I fell off pretty quickly.  I didn't renew my online and the game is now sitting there unplayed.  That's not to say I don't recommend this game, I still have 20 or so hours invested and if you're new to Splat multiplayer, I think it has incredible value.  I'm just done with the formula to the point I'm not willing to pay $40 more to keep playing.  Recommend.

Wednesday 28 September 2022

TMNT Shredders Revenge (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

This game received a lot of critical acclaim and while I did enjoy my time with it, I found it rather forgettable.  Even after getting through 80% of the campaign I put it aside and completely forgot to finish it until I was looking through my game history.  I did eventually finish it off, but ultimately I think I played this under the wrong conditions...alone.  I think in a group it would be fun, but my kids are conditioned to only play competitive multiplayer, so they had no interest.  The games well done and well worth playing on game pass, but likely not something you need to go spend real money on.  Pass.

Wednesday 21 September 2022

GRID Legends (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

After hundreds of hours in Forza Horizon 5 I decided to expand my horizons (heh) a bit and try out Grid Legends on Game Pass.  I was not disappointed.  I finished off the story mode and the gameplay is good enough in this arcade racer to make me want to keep coming back.  The problem is, there are just too many other games to play, racing or not.  I quite enjoyed this story mode even though I hated my team mate.  I'm out here winning every race and the way the story is put together, she gets all the credit.  It's a game, they can't make unique stories for every outcome, but still, give Driver 22 a little more love.  Recommend.


Mario Kart Deluxe Booster Pack 2 (Switch)

I now realize I didn't review the booster pack 1, and I won't.  Fact of the matter is I'm tired of Mario Kart 8 gameplay at this point and even new tracks aren't enough to keep me coming back.  Pass.

Monday 12 September 2022

Tinykin (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

Pikmin as a 3D platformer is how this game is described by many and I'd have to agree.  Tinykin is an another amazing indie game I finished that far exceeded any expectations...well...I had no expectations, this game came out of nowhere.  I haven't felt this level of exploration in a long time where I was constantly thinking "I wonder what's up there?" "How do I get there" only to be delighted by something hiding.  I feel like too often I compare games to Breath of the Wild, but this gave me those same vibes where there's something hiding around every corner.  The gameplay is fun I found the actual platforming a touch frustrating at times however.  Still, that's not enough to hold this one back from a high recommendation.