Saturday 5 December 2020

Jedi: Fallen Order (Xbox One)

When I saw this game show up on game pass, I was excited!  I was under the impression this game was an "Uncharted" clone, not sure where I'd heard that, but I couldn't have been more wrong.  After some playtime I did some more research and learned it's actually a "Dark Souls" clone, a game series I've never explored ... mainly because based on what I'd heard of that series, I knew wasn't for me. I kept playing though, enjoying what I was doing.  And then then deaths, oh the punishing deaths which have you spawning way behind the point of death.  Ugh.  I quickly dropped the difficulty down to easy which allowed me to explore the vast environments and solve the puzzles without the punishing deaths.  I had a good time, but I felt like I played it wrong.  It's a nice looking game and if you like Star Wars (I'm only a mild fan) I'm sure you'll enjoy the story.  Recommend on easy, but if you like to punish yourself, you'll probably love it at a harder difficulty.

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