Sunday 16 June 2019

Tetris 99 (Switch)

Date Purchased:  February 13, 2019
Date Completed: June 16, 2019
Price: Free (Nintendo Online)

I've resigned to the fact that I'll likely never win a battle in Tetris 99 and that's okay.  I was waiting until I won to give it a final verdict, but I've since moved on.  Tetris 99 is a game of Tetris where you're battling 99 other players.  Only one comes out on top.  This is Tetris Battle Royale.  The game is deeper than just "play Tetris" there are some complex strategies that need to applied to come on top, things I don't pay enough attention to, but perhaps need to in order to finally get that dub.  Regardless, the game is fun and I'd recommend it easily.

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