Saturday 22 June 2019

Beat Saber (PSVR)

Date Purchased: April 9, 2019
Date Completed: June 15, 2019
Price: $42.79 (PSN)

This is Rock Band for a new generation, is it better?  No.  Is it better in a group setting? Yes.  Does it feel pointless playing alone?  Yes.  I spent countless hours jamming to Rock Band in my basement, mastering my skill, but there's something about Beat Saber that makes playing alone feel pointless.  Perhaps I'm just not into the music, perhaps I'm missing the tactile feedback, perhaps it's just not as good as Rock Band.  It's a neat experience, and fun in a group setting.  It's apparently one of the best VR games, but I feel like it could be played with Wii-Motes on TV and get generally the same experience.  I know it sounds negative, but I don't really get the point.  Pass for solo play, recommend for a party game.

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