Sunday 23 December 2018

Crash Bandicoot Trilogy (Switch)

Date Purchased: November 26, 2018
Date Completed: Dec 6, 2018
Price: $35.74 (eShop)

I'm writing these as 3 separate reviews for one very nice package.

Crash Bandicoot:

I've played the beginning of Crash many many times, but could never bring myself to complete it, it was either too difficult, or I lost interest.  That changed with the Switch though, I could take the game with me, and I could be wrong, but I don't remember Crash on the PS1 saving after every level like this one.

This game is hard af.  It was hard back then, and apparently even harder now according to a variety of reports (Crash's drops faster after a jump making it harder to land your spots).  Some levels I was banging my head on dying probably in excess of 50 times.  It's no secret I'm a bit of a Nintendo fanboy, well, Mario, this is not.  By the end of the campaign though I found the levels getting easier as I had the controls and Crash's movements built into muscle memory.  It looks and sounds nice, the level design was a bit lacking however.  I keep hearing that this is the worst game in the series, but I still enjoyed it.  I'm looking forward to digging into the sequels.  Recommend.

Crash 2: Wrath of Cortex:

A much more enjoyable experience than the original game with far less frustrating level design.  I can't comment to graphics improvements etc as it's all remastered the same.  It's a fun game and a great game to listen to podcasts etc. along with.  I'm glad I knocked the first one out first because going from 2 to 1 would have been near impossible.  One minor gripe is having to collect the purple gem in each level, they're usually incredibly easy to find, almost impossible, but there were a few instances where I ran right past it making me complete the level another time to collect the gem.  Beating a level in this game is quite an accomplishment.  I still had a great time, recommend.

Crash 3: Warped:

The final and easiest installment by far, I knocked this one out in a couple sittings.  The new abilities really makes the game simple, the double jump takes out all the challenge.  It was a fun little game, but man I would have been pissed had I paid $50 for this back in the day.  Incredibly easy, the difference in difficulty between Crash 1 and 3 is night and day.


A great litle package, worth the money I paid.  I've never been one to 100% a game, that's not going to change, but I could see myself coming back to this one every now and again.

Friday 21 December 2018

Onrush (PS4)

Date Purchased: December 9, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price: Free (PS+)

Onrush is game that is trying so hard to be cool, but just can't quite figure it out.  I can hear the project lead now "It will be like Overwatch and Burnout had a baby!"  The game is trying so hard to have personality, but it just lacks it in all areas.  That and loot boxes aside, the game continues to fail in the gameplay department, it's not fun.  I was a pretty big fan of the Motorsport games in the PS3 era, Motorstorm 1 convinced me to buy a PS3 when I was perfectly content with my Xbox 360, so I was quite optimistic of this game.  The system seems unique, it just lacks "thrills".  The takedowns are unpredictable, the physics are so off that at points you wonder if you're actually playing the game or not.  Just pass.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 (PS4)

Date Purchased: November 18, 2018
Date Completed: N/A
Price:  $54.99 (had $25 gift card)

I was peer pressured into buying this game by a friend and coworker of mine. The blackout mode did have me intrigued, but the primary multiplayer and zombies mode don't interest me too much/at all.  After 6 weeks with the game, the same holds true, I continue to return to Black Ops 4, but it's solely for their battle royale mode and not any of the others.

I enjoyed Fortnite enough, but when the building became so much more than just a way to reach an area, or for quick cover, I quickly found myself unable to compete on any level. Blackout takes everything that interests me in a battle royale mode and executes it perfectly.  I've spent a lot of hours in a squad and solo playing the mode.  Each experience different.   I've yet to win, but have felt the rush of being in the top 2 players remaining.  Graphics and sound are standard Call of Duty affair, there have been so many COD games this gen, they look good, but all quite similar.

They're now selling this game without zombies for $40 on PC, I wish they'd release Blackout as a standalone mode, should they I'd absolutely recommend that mode.  But having to pay $80 for a game you're only interested in 1/3 of?  Pass.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch)

Date Purchased:  June 21
Date Completed:  Dec 01
Price: $39.99 (Amazon)

I loved the captain toad levels in Super Mario 3D World, they were a great change of pace from the constant platforming of the main quest.  This game is an entire game built on side challenges and for the most part it succeeds, it's just incredibly easy.   The graphics and sound are absolutely adorable, the game oozes with charm.  It has all that Nintendo Polish, it's just over too soon.  I enjoyed my time with it, it just seems to be missing a "leeetle" something....challenge.  Still recommend.