Saturday 4 November 2017

Unravel (Xbox One)

Date Purchased:  October 23
Date Completed: October 26
Price: Free - EA Access Vault

I subscribed to EA Access after years (months?) of considering it.  With Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 and all the sports games, I felt like there was enough of a backlog there to make it worthwhile to dive into.  $30 a year is quite a bargain for the library of games you get.

So which game did I dive into first?  Battlefield?  Star Wars?  Titanfall?  Nope.  A little game called Unravel.  I'd heard mixed things about this puzzle platformer, but it's aesthetic had me intrigued.  I really enjoyed it.  I do like me some puzzle platformers, whether it be Inside, Limbo, Max, or any other I've reviewed, and this one holds up with all of them.  I did have to hit the old YouTube a couple times when I got stuck and I was either like "Man, I never would have figured that out" to "Man I am so stupid!".  Anyways, a nice game with a surprisingly heartwarming story.  Recommend.

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