Wednesday 30 November 2016

Batman: Arkham Knight (Xbox One)

Date Purchased N/A (Borrowed Nov. 06, 2016)
Date Completed:  November 27, 2016
Price: Borrowed from a friend.

I've played a number of these games, but every time I come back I'm overwhelmed by the number of game mechanics they throw at you.  It usually only takes a few sessions to get through, but man, they come fast and furious!  AAA, then B.  Double tab A to eject from the Batmobile, Hold R and press A when running off a ledge to go into a bat dive, here's a few button prompts for driving the Batmobile, here's a whole new set for when you're in tank mode.  Press RT and A to do this stealth move, now press x, shift the camera, and  press X again, now turn the camera and press X again.  Got all that? Okay now upgrade your suit, Batmobile, and abilities to learn some new moves!

There there's the Batmobile tank.  Man the tank missions suck.  So repetitive.  I celebrated when the Batmobile was destroyed only for it to come back like 2 minutes later.   I didn't mind the driving, I quite liked ripping around Gotham, but the tank missions were so repetitive.  The hand to hand combat gives you many ways to approach a situation, but the tank is the same thing over and over and over again.

Before I start to sound completely negative, I will say the story is fantastic and kept me intrigued. Perhaps the story was a little too good as it made the side missions feel incredibly mundane.  Some of the side stories were good, and I did see them to completion, but many consisted of "beat up a group of bad guys" over and over and over again.  This is where the biggest disappointment personally came for me.  The ending.  The game doesn't end unless you complete every side quest.  I went back to try, but gave up after a couple hours seeing that this would take me far too long.  Again, I have a pile of games here, this is not my lone purchase for 2016.

This review turned out to be pretty long for a game I'm going to ultimately say pass to.

Oh, and the button mashing gave me a flare up of carpal tunnel .  SCREW YOU BATMAN!  #oldman

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