Wednesday 10 August 2016

Trials Evolution (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased: Mar 28, 2016
Date Completed: N/A
Price: $7.49 (Xbox Marketplace)

I came to a realization this summer, I have very little time to play games.  Summer is always difficult, there are a lot more "gatherings", my kids and my wife are all home from school and are around all day, there's baseball on, and quite frankly "better" things to do.    So when I sat in my garage on a lawn chair in the summer heat, repeatedly trying to beat one of the final tracks, sweating with frustration, I decided and said aloud "I'm done with this".

The Pile of  Shame has allowed me to finish a lot of games, but this game broke me.  It's exceptionally difficult and has changed the way I "review" games.  I used to feel I had to finish every level to review a game.  And while I feel that should still be the case with story driven games, puzzle games, or games with a singular mechanic that only evolves in difficulty should not require "beating every level" in order to review.  Do I ensure I finish Uncharted on beast mode?  Platinum every game?  Get every achievement?  Nope.

So, Trials.  Holy crap this game is infuriating.  I enjoyed my time with the early levels, and even found some fun in the more challenging stages, but when I thought I had the game beat and another tournament popped, I wanted to smash my Xbox.  Some tracks took hours to "beat" and many times I just got lucky.  This type of torture was my fetish when I had more time to play, but now?  With 4 kids and a wife?  No way.

Still I'd have to say I recommend Trials, because what it does, it does so well.  It's called Trials for a reason, and it delivers on it's name.

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