Wednesday 10 August 2016

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational (Vita)

Date Purchased: Mar 21, 2016
Date Completed: N/A
Price: $13.49

After downloading and enjoying a demo of Mario Golf of 3DS, I was jonesing for a golf game. Mario Golf was still quite expensive, so I opted for HSG.  I've played many games in this series over the years and have always enjoyed them.  This one's no different.

This game was released early in the Vita's lifecycle, and some of the interface and controls are a bit gimmicky, but beneath that is a solid golf title.  The game looks gorgeous and would be great with some peers.

Some of my fondest memories are playing this series with my college buddies drinking a few beers and getting ultra competitive.  The single player was never the focus, but at this stage in my life, it's unfortunately not how I play games anymore.

As a single player game it plays fine, but can be quite frustrating when you have a great round but blow it on one hole.  The game seems to be stacked against you, but that could just be my nerves.

Overall a great package.  Recommend.

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