Friday 24 June 2016

Journey (PS4)

Date Purchased:  May 23, 2016
Date Completed: June 16, 2016
Price: $4.49

For years I've heard about Journey, I continue to hear about it whenever a game is considered "artsy" it immediately draws comparison to Journey.  I've played another game from the developer "That Game Company", namely "Flower" and my feelings to that and Journey are similar.  I appreciate them, but I don't get the same "feelings" that others experience.  Perhaps it's the way I play games, that takes away from the whimsy.  I'm very goal oriented, heck, I've made a game out of finishing games (this blog), so I'm not really one to stop and smell the flowers.  Power through, that's what I do, and it's how I like to play.  So, while I'm glad I finally played this one, I can't say I recommend it to a gamer like me.  It's short, it was a unique experience and I don't regret my purchase, I just can't honestly say it's a "must play", much to the contrast of everyone else.  Pass.

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