Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Pile: 04/28/2016

A sale on Shovel Knight and an odd deal with my son Cole made a couple of additions to the pile. Both games added I've wanted for some time, I've heard so much about Shovel Knight that when it dipped to $10 I figured it was time to give it a try.  I considered buying it on Vita/PS4 for cross play, but there's something I love about the 3DS, and from what I hear, it sold best there.  I guess the game just looks and feels like a Nintendo game, so it's appropriate there.

Okay, so Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.  I've wanted to pick this up since they introduced "Nintendo Selects", but when I was ready to make a purchase, I was persuaded to pick up Super Mario 3D World instead, it was March Break and my son really missed it.  Don't get me wrong, it's fantastic and I'm happy to have it again (our Wii U no longer reads dual layered discs) but I still wanted DK.

So a month or so has passed, and our 2 year old Eli is not eating any dinner.  I said to Cole in jest "If Eli eat's his whole hamburger, I'll buy Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze".  Well wouldn't you know it, everyone started cheering him on, and downed the thing!  Okay, so not the bun, but he must be a gamer.  I'm sure this game will get a lot of use over the years.  

Otherwise I haven't been gaming a whole lot. The NHL playoffs and the start of baseball season has that effect on me every year.  I started playing Destiny again.  I love that game.

Update:  Picked up The Division on sale.  

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