Thursday 7 January 2016

Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)

Date Purchased:   November 26, 2015
Date Completed:  January 06, 2016
Price: $37.79 (PSN Boxing Day Sale)


My back catalogue was almost complete when GTA V arrived on sale for Black Friday.  I’ve wanted to try this for a while, but haven’t been able to pull the trigger.   I seem to play all the numbered GTA’s, 3, 4 and now 5 but typically not the “sides” like Vice City or San Andreas.  These games have come a ridiculously long way since GTA 3 in terms of graphics, presentation etc.  It’s become so good, that I primarily cared about the story and little else.  I almost would have preferred a GTA V: The movie.  Now, I loved about 50% of this game, maybe less, but the parts I loved, I loved, and the parts I didn’t like, I hated.  I’m a guy with little free time, so when I spend anywhere from half my play time (usually an hour or 2 sessions) driving between locations, or doing very mundane tasks like  mopping floors, doing yoga or operating a crane, I get a little frustrated.  That being said, the other half is awesome.  The heists are a lot of fun and the presentation is at the top of any videogame.   I’d like to see GTA tighten up the 35 hour campaign into 15 hours, then offer additional mission packs as free DLC down the road with a whole new cast.  I don’t see it happening, but there were way too many “fluff” missions.  I never had to worry about money or upgrades, so the draw to do side missions were nonexistent.  Some disturbing content would prevent me from recommending this game, so in general, I’m going to have to say pass.  If you know what you’re getting into though, and want more of that?  You’ll enjoy GTAV.

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