Friday 31 July 2015

The Pile 07/31/2015

It's shrinking, but all I really want to play is Rocket League.

Rocket League (PS4)

Date Purchased:   July 9, 2015
Date Completed:  July 30, 2015
Price:  Free (PS+)

Rocket League, one of the most fun sports games ever.  Note: I didn’t say best sports games ever, but the “most fun”.  I completed a short season, won the championship and have played probably 20 matches online, this is a fantastic game.  The game is simple in concept, but deep in gameplay.  What looks so easy is actually quite difficult to execute.  There comes a time where you find yourself able to do things you previously couldn't.  I wouldn't say there's a steep learning curve, but suddenly you just "get it" and it feels great, but still, I have much to learn.  Anyways, if you have some friends together this is a must play.  Graphics are solid, but gameplay is so perfect.  I really can’t say a whole lot more other than it’s incredibly fun and is being widely celebrated among gamers of all varieties.  It’s turned non sports gamers into sports gamers.  Play it.  Now.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (PS Vita)

Date Purchased:   July 9, 2015
Date Completed:  July 29, 2015
Price:  Free (PS+)

I’ve played a fair amount of Geometry Wars in my time, loved the first, had some issues with the second, and only played this, the third, because it’s free.  When the Xbox 360 came out, I put an incredible amount of time into this game, ridiculous amounts of time trying to beat high scores, but then trying for hours and finally achieving the coveted 1 million points without dying  achievement (only 3% of players have this one).  The second game left something to be desired, chasing the geoms ruined the way I played the game, and there were too many game types that the leaderboard felt less meaningful.  I passed on Geometry Wars 3 until it was “given” to me via PS+, and I instantly loved it.  The game has a campaign which kept things fresh, the drones and supers added a lot to the game, and while I’ve heard people lamenting the boss battles, I really liked them.  Great game.  High recommendation if you like twin stick shooters.  (That last boss battle was a bitch though)

Edit: Should note that this game plays flawlessly on Vita

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (3DS)

Date Purchased:   June 20, 2015
Date Completed:  July 27, 2015
Price:  Free (Father’s Day gift)

I’ve played every major console iteration of every Zelda game … now.  Majora’s mask was notably absent form that list for many years.  Majora’s mask came out at the end of the N64’s lifecycle and I had already moved on to Dreamcast and other things (man, NFL 2K was great wasn’t it?).  So, now, 15 years later I have finally played this “controversial” Zelda game.

Majora’s Mask is one of the most debated Zelda games of them all. Some love, some hate, I fall somewhere in the middle.  What I liked was the impressive graphics on the 3DS, the bunny hat should be in every Zelda game, the complex dungeons, and the general atmosphere of Clocktown and Termina.  What I didn’t like, the 3 day cycle which made me feel rushed (I finished a couple Dungeons with minutes to spare which made them far less enjoyable), the repetition of tasks and conversations, and the lack of dungeons.  

I’m missing a few heart containers, but otherwise I obtrained every mask and item with the help from my friends at  I used a guide a lot, I used to, but no longer consider it cheating.  When you have a pile, you have to get through it.

In all I’d say I have about 40 hours clocked in (see what I did there?) and Cole likely has the same amount (but he typically just plays my file).   I’d recommend the game to Zelda fans, definitely worth the experience, but this one I’ll likely never replay, which is quite rare for someone who’s played the others in the series upwards of four times.

Thursday 23 July 2015

The Pile 07/23/2015

It's been over a month since I've updated, but that's what summertime gaming will do to you.  It's tough to find game time with all the bbq's, events and baseball going on.  So, a couple gems this month on PS+ in Rocket League and Geometry Wars so they're added to the pile.  Still slowly working through Majora's mask when I have time as well.