Sunday 21 June 2015

The Pile - 06/21/06

I was just starting to see the light at the end of the pile when a 25 hour bomb  (according to this) was dropped in my lap for Fathers Day  ... not that I mind, I've wanted to play Majora's Mask for the last 15 years but never got around to it.  When the 3DS remake was announced, I knew that was the version I wanted to play.  Portability is a huge bonus in my life.  So, there are still 4 games on the pile, and I've decided to beat all the campaigns in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, so that one will stick around for a bit.  A big pile is a happy pile.  Happy Father's Day!

Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure (3DS)

Date Purchased:  June 11, 2015
Date Completed: June 21, 2015
Price: $12 (Nintendo eShop)

A game I never officially put on the pile, but I did finish all the "challenge" levels.  They weren't much of a challenge, however I am quite the Dr. Mario veteran.  Basically Dr. Mario with some powerups, which can get you out of  jam, but ultimately feels like a cheat.  You can turn them off if you like.  Solid multiplayer online and off, supports download play, and if you have someone to play with that's competitive, I'd recommend it.  The wife and I have a pretty heated rivalry. 

Thursday 18 June 2015

Gears of War: Judgement (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased:  April 1, 2015
Date Completed: June 17, 2015
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

The problem with a "Pile of Shame" is that you never put as much time into a title as it deserves.  Sure, nothing's stopping me from playing said game, but the pull of taking on another is stronger than the desire to keep playing one.  Gears of War: Judgement deserved more of my time.  I would have LOVED this back in the days of only having one game to play at a time.  The structure of Judgement is perfect for a guy like me, broken up into very small chapters, with lots of smaller goals and challenges in order to get a higher score ... like an arcade game.  While this initially turned me off, I found myself getting bugged if I didn't get at least 2 stars on each mission, wanting to replay them.  Alas, I didn't, and I blew through the game and it's mediocre story.  I think this is the best looking Gears game of them all, the story is a bit lacking, but the game play is tight.  It has enough content, with 2 campaigns (the 2nd being very short, more like DLC).  Recommend at the right price.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Halo Master Chief Collection: Halo 2 Anniversary (Xbox One)

Date Purchased: November 15, 2014
Date Completed: June 8, 2015
Price: Free (Xbox Game Share)

It’s been 11 years since I played the Halo 2 campaign, there was a lot I didn’t remember, which was actually quite nice as this felt like a new experience.  The fresh coat of paint helped to.  I took a couple game clips here and here so you can see for yourself.  The difference is substantial, and while I’ve always felt Halo’s story had it’s head up it’s own ass, I must say, the cut-scenes are done so well, that it actually made me care about the story of Halo!  Shocking!  I really enjoyed my time with this, it made me appreciate the Halo franchise a whole lot more … so much so that I jumped straight into Halo 3.   Halo 3 does not have that fresh coat of paint though,  it was relatively hard to go back to, so I’m taking a break and deciding if I want/need to finish the games in this bundle that are not “re-mastered”.  Regardless, Halo 2 Anniversary, high recommendation. 

Monday 1 June 2015

The Pile

The list of freebies is out for June and only one game has me interested, Call of Juarez Gunslinger on PS3.  Could I actually wipe the list completely clean?  I guess that depends on how I decide to handle Halo: Master Chief Collection.  At one point I was simply considering finishing the 2 re-mastered campaigns, but now that ODST is on there too, I feel like I should finish them all ... despite having finished them all before.  We'll wait and see on that, perhaps 60fps and 1080p isn't enough to make me replay these games.  I'm about 1/3rd of the way through the remastered Halo 2, and while I'm enjoying the game and the amazing cutscenes, the story itself can bite me.  Bleh. 

Donkey Kong (Gameboy/3DS eShop)

Date Purchased: May 14, 2015
Date Completed: June 1, 2015
Price: Free (Club Nintendo)

When left with a handful of remaining Club Nintendo points I decided to download Donkey Kong for the GameBoy.  I'd heard it's great, but never expected much given how old the game is (1994).  21 years later and this game holds up very well.  It's essentially the very first "Mario vs. Donkey Kong" game.  Gameplay is very tight, the sound and visuals are some of the best I've played on GameBoy.   Recommend.