Tuesday 31 May 2022

Gorogoa (PC via Game Pass)

The smartest game I beat but never played.  Started this up for a game pass quest and was amazed at how intelligent it is.  I felt like an idiot but was amazed at what was happening when I got things right.  A puzzle game that would eventually be beat through trial and error, but I just watched YouTube videos played along.  It's unlike anything I've ever seen and would have to be played/watched to appreciate.  Recommend you give a look.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Hue (Xbox Series X via Games with Gold)

Everyone snickers at Games with Gold and for the most part, they have a right to.  The monthly selection has been horrible for years now, but this game caught my eye.  I enjoy a puzzle platformer and usually that quota is filled by Game Pass.  Hugh plays with colours as you traverse various stages, most of them being a one screen puzzle you complete before moving onto the next.  It's not overly difficult, although I did get stuck a few times here and there.  Eventually I powered through only using a guide once, and that was when my son Cole gave me some advice, little did I know he was watching a walkthrough as he provided it.  It's a great game with a charming little story.  Recommend.

Wednesday 4 May 2022

Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox One)

I received this as a Christmas gift last year, being a huge fan of the series  this is one that I'd yet to play. My son AJ spotted through the doors when he was only granted to permission to window shop at Value Village.  $20 Brand new and sealed too! Instantly on firing up I realized this was going to be a tough sell.  Forza Horizon 4 and 5 look so much better optimized for series X/S.  After some time though, I stopped playing those games and focused solely on 3.  My eyes adjusted and I saw it for the gem it really is.  I really enjoyed my time with this game, the setting is one of the best in the series with lots of interesting places to visit.  It's a tough sell in 2022 because the online community has moved on twice over now, but I have no regrets and I'm glad to say I played it.  Recommend in 2016, but play one of the newer games if you have the opportunity to.