Friday 23 April 2021

Guacamelee 1 + 2 (Xbox/PC via Game Pass)

I'm afraid to say it, but I'm a Metroidvania fan now.   I used to be quick to dismiss the series because for the most part I was just looking for a linear left to right platformer, but now I find those a little boring and enjoy the challenge associated with this genre.  Guacamelee focuses heavily on combat (hence the title) and it has some of the most satisfying 2D combat I've played in years.  The second game trumps the first with it's combat, length and moveset.  I played them in reverse order which is something I shouldn't have done, but it wasn't until I was done the 2nd one that I realized how much I liked the game and wanted more.  Great games and great series, and while it falls short of the Ori games, I still highly recommend.

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