Tuesday 17 November 2020

Doom Eternal (Xbox One)

I had some serious reservations about playing Doom 2016, but when it was all said and finished, I still recommended that game with a fair number of warnings.  The gameplay in that game was so good I couldn't put it down and when I did, I couldn't wait to pick it up again.  Fast forward to 2020, I have my shiny new Xbox Series X, a game pass subscription and there's Doom Eternal at no real cost to me.  I was excited to play it, it didn't take long though where I felt very overwhelmed.  While the first game had upgrade paths etc, they seemed to make sense and came at you at an acceptable pace. This game though, this game has systems on systems on systems.  I feel like so many games nowadays want to be the one game you play for years.  I get games as a service, games like Fortnite and Overwatch, but sometimes I just want to play a campaign, have it do it's thing, and wrap up after 10-12 hours or so.  This game is trying to do so much, puzzle game, platformer, shooter, rpg.  I'm retiring this one about at third of the way through.  I can't bring myself to finish it.  It's worth a try if you enjoyed the first one, but this one's hooks didn't catch me.  Pass.

Crackdown 3 (Xbox One)

Waiting for the Xbox Series X I played through and quite enjoyed Crackdown 3.  It's a fun open world game with plenty of upgrades, although none of them are really meaningful.  The auto lock on of enemies makes the combat not very engaging.  A lot of things about this game coming to mind are negative, but I still enjoyed my time hopping around the city.  It's on Game Pass so I'd recommend it on that alone.  It's worth a try at least and maybe you'll see it through.  And if you don't?  Well, no harm no foul, you didn't have to shell out a lot of money.  Recommend, but don't feel obligated to finish it.