Thursday 9 January 2020

Top 10 of 2019

I played far fewer games this year, 23 to be exact, here are my top 10.

10) What the Golf
9) Gears of War 5
8) Spider-Man
7) Luigis Mansion 3
6) Super Smash Bros Ultimate
5) Mario Maker 2
4) Apex Legends
3) Overcooked
2) Astro Bot
1) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Saturday 4 January 2020

Luigis Mansion 3 (Switch)

Date Purchased: December 23, 2019
Date Completed: January 3, 2019
Price: Free (Christmas Gift)

My kids had been clamoring for this game for a long time, I wasn't going to put down the money for it though, not even as a gift.  I told them to ask Grandma for it, that was a mistake and a brilliant idea at the same time.  I love this game.  I'd never played a Luigis Mansion before this other than renting the GameCube gaming and pretty much dismissing it immediately.  This is a great game with some rather light puzzle solving, brilliant co-op , and all that Nintendo charm you've come to expect.  The co-op is so good, my son Eli (6 years old) and I played about 90% of the time together and only a couple occasions did he "get in the way".  There were a few encounters where the controls felt a bit cumbersome, but overall I can't help but recommend this game, ESPECIALLY if you have someone to play co-op with.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PS4)

Date Purchased: October 28, 2019
Date Completed: January 4, 2020
Price: $79.99 (PSN)

I had no intentions on buying this game despite them playing Metallica in the ad campaign.  Then I buckled, like I often do.  I scraped together all the loose change in the house, drove to no frills and bought $50 in PSN credit and footed the rest myself.  I'm glad I did. I haven't been this hooked on a game since the original Overwatch.  There are just SO MANY UNLOCKABLES.  The thing is, I don't care about any of the unlocks, I just care about unlocking them.  The gunplay is good, I enjoy almost every map and game mode.  I played the campaign, enjoyed it, but the meat and potatoes is in the multiplayer.  I can't stop, it's that good.  I hook up with friends and family, I get my daily challenges every day.  There's just always so much to do and I can't recommend it enough.