Tuesday 26 December 2017

Super Mario World (SNES)

Date Purchased: N/A
Date Completed: N/A
Price: N/A

I've played this game countless times, but haven't completed it in a long while until recently when my son AJ took a heavy interest in all things Mario.  What a fantastic game.  The game controls so well, the level design is great and it features a large variety of characters I'd all but forgotten were in the Mario universe.  Must play.

Monday 25 December 2017

Rocket League (Switch)

Date Purchased:  November 14, 2017
Date Completed: December 25, 2017
Price: $20 (eShop)

My initial thoughts on Rocket League can be found here.  The switch version holds up well, it doesn't look as pretty on the TV but in handheld mode it looks just fine.  I enjoy it more on Switch due to its pick up and play ability.   The Mario, Luigi and Samus cars are nice, but not game changers.  Highly recommend.

Just Cause 3 (PS4)

Date Purchased:  August 3, 2017
Date Completed: December 15, 2017
Price: Free (PS+)

"Shitty BOTW (Breath of the Wild) with guns" is how I described this game to a friend, and I think it's about all I need to say about it.  The destruction was amazing, but the frame rate made it really hard to play.  Longer than I expected.  Despite the frame rate, recommend.

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)

Date Purchased: Nov 5, 2017
Date Completed: Dec 5, 2017
Price: Free (Birthday Present)

Oh man, I've been putting off this review but after reaching 500 moons, and having not played it in a while, it's time to officially say it's finished.  First off, Mario Odyssey is fantastic game, I played it for many hours, my switch says 40 hours, but I'll say my son AJ probably has 10-15 of those.  The game looks beautiful, has some great music and some really fun gameplay...but there's something that bothers me about this game ... you spend a lot of time running around and exploring versus time spent platforming.  Perhaps it's just been too long since I've played Mario 64 or Sunshine, but Mario 3D World and Galaxy were much more fun and focused experiences.  I would never not recommend this game, but it's not the best Mario game of all time and it pains me to say it.  All that said, you won't regret playing or buying it.  Recommend.