Thursday 3 August 2017

Arms (Switch)

Date Purchased:  June 18, 2017
Date Completed:  August 1, 2017
Price: Fathers Day Gift

I was a little concerned this game wouldn't have legs, BWAHAHAHAHHAH, but it does.  I still play it regularly and it's turning into one of my favorites this year (albeit a down year for number of games played).  Arms has a lot of character and charm, and as you move up the ranks, you really see that you have to "get gud" to appreciate all it has to offer.  All of your different "Arms" have unique abilities making for some real strategy.  The game at it's best is a chess match, trading punches, countering, blocking, activating specials etc.  On occasion you'll run into some "cheap" players online who grab spam, or stand in one place repeatedly throwing heavy arms at you, but when you do find someone of similar skill, and fight 5-6x, it's something special.  I've received a lot of friend requests through this game, and while I'm not ready to accept them, I appreciate that they felt the same. Recommend.

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