Sunday 27 August 2017

Splatoon 2 (Switch)

Date Purchased: July 21, 2017
Date Completed: August 23, 2017
Price: $59.99 (Amazon)

Interesting story along with this review, I ended up receiving 2 copies for the price of one after my initial pre-order wasn't going to arrive on time.  I filed a complaint with Amazon and wound up with a 2nd copy, I was supposed to return one for refund, but decided to keep it so my son and I could play together.  Great decision.

I've really enjoyed my time with the game, it's a shooter the whole family can play together, which is something that's very rare.  The game plays and controls really well, I've really taken to motion controls while my son just uses the sticks.  The graphics and music are unique and quirky and will have you humming along.

The single player is where the game seems to be relatively thin.  The Switch is marketed as a hybrid home/portable console, but while portable, chances of being on wifi (for me) are slim, and this game offers little to do after you beat the 15-20 single player missions.  They have built the game to beat every mission with every gun, but I really don't see any value in it as very little carries over to the meat of the game, online multiplayer.

I'd have to say this game is a must own for any Switch owner.  It's a lot of fun, can be played in short bursts, is deep, but no overwhelming.  Recommend.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Arms (Switch)

Date Purchased:  June 18, 2017
Date Completed:  August 1, 2017
Price: Fathers Day Gift

I was a little concerned this game wouldn't have legs, BWAHAHAHAHHAH, but it does.  I still play it regularly and it's turning into one of my favorites this year (albeit a down year for number of games played).  Arms has a lot of character and charm, and as you move up the ranks, you really see that you have to "get gud" to appreciate all it has to offer.  All of your different "Arms" have unique abilities making for some real strategy.  The game at it's best is a chess match, trading punches, countering, blocking, activating specials etc.  On occasion you'll run into some "cheap" players online who grab spam, or stand in one place repeatedly throwing heavy arms at you, but when you do find someone of similar skill, and fight 5-6x, it's something special.  I've received a lot of friend requests through this game, and while I'm not ready to accept them, I appreciate that they felt the same. Recommend.