Saturday 24 June 2017

Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (3DS)

Date Purchased: June 11, 2017
Date Completed: June 18, 2017
Price: Free (DLC)

I've already reviewed the original Shovel Knight, and it's first free update Plague of Shadows, the first I was very fond of, the second, while still worthy of your time, didn't seem as good as the original (controls were my only gripe).  Then out of nowhere comes Specter of Torment, not just a new character, but all new levels, story and gameplay.  Specter Knight controls much better than Plague Knight in my opinion, and the gameplay is equally good as Shovel Knight.  I liked the over world map design better here,  it felt a lot more condensed and tight.  Specter Knights upgrades and abilities didn't seem as vital to completing the game as in previous games in the series, which lead to a little less playtime compared to the others.  It was also a little hard to go back to the 3DS, and while the game is available on Switch, of course Nintendo won't let you transfer purchases.  On the whole however, this game just keeps on giving, and I'm happy companies like Yacht Club exist. Recommend.

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