Monday 14 November 2016

Dead Space (Xbox 360)

Date Purchased: April 1, 2016
Date Completed: November 10, 2016
Price: Free (Games with Gold)

There are a few series I've heard a lot about, but never tried.  Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed (until recently), Just Cause, and until now, Dead Space.  Some, I can "just tell" they're not going to be for me, others, I just haven't had the time or money to play.  So when Dead Space became free via Games with Gold, I decided it was time to give it a spin, I'm very glad I did.

Dead Space is awesome.  It's the perfect game for me. The game took me just under 12 hours to finish, consisting of 12 chapters, so you can do the math.  If you can't do math, each mission ran about 60 minutes, some a little shorter, some longer, but just about every moment satisfying.  I really enjoyed the slow pace of the game, it was "relaxing" in a weird sense.  The game depends on jump scares, but I can tell you I only had one jump to avoid spoilers I won't say when.  I didn't find it particularly scary, but I don't typically find games/movies too scary ... that's just me.

The game holds up extremely well for a game made in 2008, the graphics are "fine" and the sound is really well done.  I enjoyed it so much when I saw Dead Space 2 and 3 were on sale on PSN Halloween sale for $6 each I picked them up without hesitation.  Absolutely recommend.

Reddit post with comments.

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