Monday 18 December 2023

Rocket Racing (PS5)

This Fortnite add on is quite good, I have some beefs with it, every race ends with everyone within a second or two of eachother.  It could use items and or powerups, but I still like it.  Downtime between races is a bit of a drag.  How about a cup or championship series?  Still like it though and would recommend.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Xbox Series X)

The campaign is criminally stupid, but the multiplayer holds up well.  I've lost the drive to grind camo's though, so it's still fun in short bursts.  I'd still recommend.

Crash 4 (PS5)

 I'm writing this months after playing the game (weeks).  I had a good run with this game although it's difficulty was more than I was expecting.  Fun though and recommend.