Tuesday 25 April 2023

Retro Bowl (iOS)

This game was a staple in our home for a few weeks, a very simple football game where you play offense only, have some minor roster management and some light rpg elements.  All of this adds up to a very fun game of pigskin on the go.  Recommend.

Madden 23 (Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

I honestly can't tell much difference year over year with these games, but this was the first year my oldest son and I had a decent rivalry in a sports game.  We didn't play too much as we're both hyper competitivie, but I will say that over the 15-20 games we did play, it's the most fun I've had with Madden in years.  Recommended for couch play with a friend.

Thursday 20 April 2023

Mortal Kombat 11 (Xbox Series X and PC via Game Pass)

I wanted to try to get back into fighting games, so I played through the story mode of this.  Without someone on the couch beside me to really work on my skills, I was left with little desire to "get good".  I played through the story mode...meh...dropped off pretty quickly.  Pass due to my gaming habits/circumstance.