Wednesday 25 January 2023

As Dusk Falls (PC and Xbox Series X via Game Pass)

After completing all my camo challenges in Modern Warfare II, it was officially time to move on.  This was just touching my radar for a while and I decided to give it a go.  It's a huge change of pace from the run and gun gameplay of Call of Duty, but a welcome one.  This is essentially a choose your own adventure graphic novel.  Not usually in my wheel house, but I'd heard good things about it.  I liked it enough but had a hard time really caring for any of the characters.  I made some bad choices along the way, they felt right at the time, but I ended up letting some people die I didn't want to.  Oh well.  It was entertaining and wrapped in around 6 hours.  I don't regret "playing" it.  Recommend.