Wednesday 26 October 2022

Overwatch Too (Xbox Series X)

I loved the original Overwatch, so naturally, I would love Overwatch 2 right?  Unfortunately, this game is more Overwatch and little more.  You could say Call of Duty, EA Sports franchises do the same, and while I'd agree that the sports games do very little to refresh, at least a shooter like Call of Duty comes out with a new game with new maps, modes and campaign.   Overwatch 2 adds one new hero, a new map, some gameplay tweaks and little more.  This game adds a battle pass which has me missing the mystery of the loot box, I could go on but I won't bother.  If you've never played Overwatch, I absolutely recommend you try.  If you played it to death?  You won't find much new here.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Prodeus (Xbox Series X and PC via Game Pass)

I downloaded this after hearing good things about it and was initially wowed by it.  Classic FPS gameplay with modern elements. The graphics are a throwback but look really good and a soundtrack that rocks as hard as your 90's tape collection.  Unfortunately, about 2/3rds of the way through I started to feel the game was losing its appeal.  Upgrades and purchasing weapons are a grind and the enemy's become sponges.  I still saw it through, but I feel like it would have been better with a handful less levels.  Still at the end of the day I recommend, but I understand if you don't Kill 'Em All.