Tuesday 1 February 2022

What Remains of Edith Finch (Xbox One via Game Pass)

Another game I started due to a Game Pass quest but ended up seeing through to the end.  It's a very strange story I still haven't quite wrapped my head around.  Is it actually a game?  I guess you press buttons and move around an environment to progress the story, but ultimately that, the story is what pushes this game.  Do I recommend?  Perhaps if you enjoy narrative over gameplay.  For those looking for something different/a break from "shooty shooty bang bang" or "engine go brrrrr", recommend.

Windjammers 2 (Xbox One via Game Pass)

I was never a fan of the original Windjammers, not that I actively disliked it, I just don't think I ever played it.  It's one of those titles I've heard a lot about over the years, I just never had the platform to play it.  This is a fun competitive frisbee game.  I've heard it compared to a fighting game and with the number of "moves" at your disposal I totally see the comparison.  It's like a fighting game at long range.  I think you should check it out on game pass.  Recommend.