Tuesday 13 July 2021

Knockout City

Knockout City became an instant classic with me and my twin boys, but seemingly has fallen off much to my dismay.  I love this game and I loved playing with them.  Think Splatoon meets Arms.  That's pretty high praise from me who loved both games.  It's a very fun game that I've put my fair share of time into and will go back to now and again.  Highly recommend.

Immortals: Fenyx Rising (Xbox Series X)

This is the first game I've bought in a long time other than some used classics I bought on disc.  $40 well spent.  I knew what I was getting into here, this is a "Breath of the Wild" clone through and through, and while it falls short of what that game accomplished, it scratches that itch that's been bothering me for so long.  Let's get this straight, I like this game, but where it falls short primarily is that Breath let's you be creative in your puzzle solving, this game has a clear solution with little to no sway.  Breath allows you to get places, do things, skip entire shrines with a little creativity.  You have more powers at your disposal which makes Breath feel like you're more in control.  The puzzle solving in this one gets quite old.  This game outshines in the graphics department, it's a beautiful game.  The sound is good, with pleasing music, but the game is overly chatty.  I ended up skipping the majority of the cutscenes and story beats.  I did enjoy my time with the game, it tries hard, but can't quite catch the magic Nintendo cooked up with Breath of the Wild.  Still Recommend.