Friday 14 May 2021

Rain on Your Parade (Xbox One via Game Pass)

I draw some similarities between this game and another small game I quite enjoyed, Donut County.  Where Donut County had an engaging story and dialogue, this game is more about creating havoc, but the gameplay hooks are quite similar.  This game has some need nod to pop culture featuring a level based on "The Office" TV show, and a Zelda inspired level.  I enjoyed my time with the game and revisit it from time to time.  Recommend on game pass, but at $20, that's gonna be a pass.

NHL 21 (Xbox One via Game Pass)

To a casual player like myself, this game has done little to evolve.  You could put NHL 17 in front of me at this point with an updated roster and I'd think it was the newest game.  Some people love the stuff, but for me, this series is in desperate need of a refresh.  The "be a pro" mode was very lacking and couldn't hold my interest, playing only your shifts ruined all flow of a game.  Hard pass.