Tuesday 9 June 2020

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4)

I knocked this game out in a couple sittings, a generally pleasant play through, but I must admit, I played on easy.  I wanted to see the environments and experience the all to predictable story.  I'm glad I did.  I've never been a huge "battlefied" guy, the game just seems "floaty" and this one is similar.  The shooting just never feels right to me.  It was decent, it was free, and for the five or so hours it took to complete the campaign, I'd recommend it.  I did not touch the multiplayer.

Call of Duty: WWII (PS4)

Well look at this, June and I've finally reviewed another game.  I've taken a new role at work which has restricted my game time, and Call of Duty continues to dominate when I do play, but after maxing out the battle pass and reaching max level (again) I decided to try this game as it was free on plus.

With this post comes some changes to the blog, no "start date, complete date, or price" ... just trying to simplify, and if you thought my reviews were short before, well, they're about to get shorter.

Call of Duty WWII is a solid entry in the COD series.  I especially enjoyed the campaign which tells a great story and provides characters I actually care about.  I'm spoiled by Modern Warfare 2019's multiplayer, everything about that game just seems right.  The shooting, movement and more seem "off" in this one going back to it, and leveling up World War 2 era guns just isn't as fun as the options are so limited.  For campaign, you can't go wrong.  Recommend.