Thursday 31 January 2019

Steep (PS4)

Date Purchased: 01/01/2019
Date Completed: N/A (did not finish)
Price: Free (PS+)

I'm no stranger to snowboarding games.  If you're looking for a fun snowboarding game akin to Cool Boarders on PS1, SSX on PS2 (or one of it's sequels), 1080 snowboarding on N64, or heck, even Snowboard Kids, keep looking.  This is not that.  If you prefer Skate to Tony Hawk, this might be the snowboarding game of your dreams.  I admire what it's trying to achieve, and I was genuinely excited to try it, but for me personally, it fails on the most important level.  It's not fun.  Pass.

Friday 18 January 2019

Overcooked (PS4)

Date Purchased:  December 19, 2017
Date Completed: January 7, 2018
Price: $9.17

My wife and I have been plugging away at this game for over a year and defeating the final boss was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in gaming.  The organization, teamwork and communication required to finish the game is unlike any other.  The game has a happy go lucky look and art style, but it's chaotic fun!  Recommend.