Monday 11 July 2016

Yoshi's New Island (3DS)

Date Purchased: June 27, 2016
Date Completed: July 10, 2016
Price: Free (Son Cole bought it for $30)

I want to like Yoshi's Island, but something about it just rubs me wrong way.  Maybe it's the art style, more likely it's the crying baby, but I'd never finished one of these ... until now.  This game is incredibly easy, playing it wasn't a chore, just a bore.  The original SNES game has received a lot of praise, I remember finding it too difficult, which is weird.  I bet I could finish it now that I have more persistence.  Regardless, this new game is very easy, the levels all have a very similar look, and the music is very repetitive.  I've read the difficulty is found in trying to find all the hidden items, there's not point in collecting them however, no upgrades, no unlocks, so really, what's the point?  Not much more to say really.  Pass.

Shovel Knight (3DS)

Date Purchased:  April 15, 2016
Date Completed: July 9, 2016
Price: $9.99

Fantastic.  I'd heard about Shovel Knight for some time, so when it went on sale for 33% off, I had to jump on.  This game is worth $15.  I remember when I reviewed ALBW saying I only played in short bursts to stretch it out, I felt the same about this game.  Great aesthetic, music, characters and just a great package all around.  It's modern-retro without the BS grinding so many games try to implement to stretch out their game.  Highest recommendation.